Thursday, November 17, 2011

My fav

I just realize I have so many things to plan
So many things to do
So  many things to finish
Gosh, tomorrow few of TD science 1 people can't make it for movie most probably
we planned it so early, and it was so last minute that you guys couldn't make it
But still.. I hope tomorrow's plan still goes on.
Other than that, BBQ! gosh. I think I've screwed up the whole BBQ plan
The place to book and everything
In addition,  camp! 
So much for asking people to join
Come on guys,
if you really do love GOD
don't need to wait people and ask.
Just do whatever you can for him no matter how important situation you are.
That's God, he's perfect and we're not
we have no say!
and people , 
we must remember that :

For those people who refuse to God, He'll ignore us too.
So ya... God knows what you're doing
Eyes on us

You can take everything I have
You can break everything I am
Like I'm made of glass
Like I'm made of paper

Go on and try to tear me down
I'll be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper.

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