Saturday, November 19, 2011

Right here right now

Hey guys! As I blog this morning,
we were at Keith's house in the morning from 10am-2pm
Keith's house is really huge and gorgeous. I laike (y)
& to those who don't know who's Keith.The picture above with the green shirt is him 
Solomon & Keith were playing Fifa with PS3
it was a funny moment with you guys.
We din't do any car wash actually and yet we played snooker and PS3
hahaha. Keith's mom was really nice.
She kept asking us whether we want anything for lunch ;D
After that around 2pm, We left Keith's house & go for lunch :)
The coin moments, funny much.
& After lunch, we still have around one hour?
Solomon decided to go Darren's house to bath.

I know right
He's psycho! 
Darren was doing addmaths exercises.
Such a good boy right?
Well duh! He's having SPM!
We ended up sleeping on the sofa 
and we're all asleep & Darren stil doing his addmaths
When the clock ticks to 4pm sharp.
I woke up & I was like?
Homg, all pigs still sleeping
We're so gonna be late for church
Then Darren woke Solomon & Wei up!
Well as we know, Solomon is such a pig 
He slept back and We were like -,-
So.. we just left him in Darren's house since he asked us to go church first
So ya...!

when we reach church, 
Omg, I saw Wesley again
I think he could recognize me this time.
After the game section, he left with his friend after he saw me
Why must you hide?
& we really had a blast @church!
Fun time!

The power of Lord God.
When we sing to you name above
I'll always sing louder
& All of us rejoice singing to you
Hope everyone will have a great weekend ;)
Going KLCC tomorrow for Orchestra.

Much love 

sze yuen

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