Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hey people!
Today is Saturday!
And it's 9am In the morning right now,
Okay.. What's the plan today?
Let me think....
Ohoh, I'm going for car wash later around 9.45am,solomon will pick me and Wei go to Keith's house ,god bless us that we will have a blast & I don't really know Keith,'s quite weird for me though cause I met him once and all I know is .. He's a duper tall person
The car wash is actually raise fund for our camp, if I'm not mistaken
So come people! It's really worth it.
If you have any financial problem you can pay the deposit first:)
Just hope you guys will go!:)
Well, Candace
If you're see-ing this,
Please know that I want you to go
Heh :D

&& to all my heng dais!
I'm really sorry cause I promised you guys for swimming now.
Hahaha and I ended up blogging:)
I'll go down and join you guys if I still have a lil time
So ..ciao

Okay gotta eat my breakfast, I think I'm gonna spend my whole day in YF after car wash
Have a good day readers!:):)

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