Thursday, November 17, 2011

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (Hebrews9:14).

Maybe it's just me,
 I don't know, Don't ask me ,
Why am I so desperate?
Not to say I'm really pissed but I was really sad
I've asked almost everyone to come for camp
But most of their respond was like : Sorry , I won't be in Malaysia 
                                                             Sorry I don't think I can make it
                                                       Sorry ,my parents won't let
Further more,  awesome Yeo Khai Zheng told me that he can come,
& He was really confirmed that time.
& later, he said he's not going
Was quite disappointed.
I was hoping when I'm asking every single person
But everyone seems to break it.

Especially my beloved friends, 
Come on, I've started it since all of you don't wanna start going.
But even If I did,
None of you are active with it or willing do worship God.
I really do hope there's more people come for camp & Acknowledge God.

Sorry to those who really can't make it.
It's not your fault, It's just me
I'm  a weirdo.

Here's the camp page link
I hope you guys do join and contact me as fast as possible
Click it and ya'll get info there!

Guys please do join CAMP.
enjoy & have fun

God bless, much love
sze yuen. xx

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